The 4 Best Cigarette Rolling Machines

At we generally give you the low down on the absolute best herb grinders available on the market today.  But that is not the only thing we are about.  Today we are going to switch it up and talk more about cigarette rolling machines: why you need one and which ones are the best.  There are different types of cigarette rolling machines and it is important to determine your budget and desired features when selecting the cigarette rolling machine that best meets your needs.  By picking up a quality cigarette rolling machine you’ll be able to roll your herbs quicker and tighter making for an enhanced smoking experience.  So first let’s get to why you need a cigarette rolling machine, and how to use it.

Powermatic Mini Cigarette Injector

The last entry on our list of the best cigarette rolling machines is the Powermatic Mini Cigarette Injector.  We like this rolling machine because it has some of the features of higher end cigarette rolling machines while being very light weight and portable.  Powermatic Mini Cigarette Injector can create both 100mm and king size cigs.  It is a manual machine so you have to push the slide over once you’ve pressed the lever down as you can see in the video below.  Manual cigarette rolling machines do have some advantages including that you don’t have to have power to use them making it easier to roll on the go.  With a manual cigarette rolling machine you also won’t have to worry about the power cord getting damaged which would result in the need to buy a new one.  The Powermatic Mini Cigarette Injector comes with a brush and cleaning tool so that it will last for years making you great quality cigarettes.

How to Use a Cigarette Rolling Machine

Using a cigarette rolling machine is fairly easy.  We will focus on the full use rolling machines as they tend to be higher quality and are easy to use.  What you will do is put tobacco or herbs into the feed chamber which is usually found on the top of the machine.  Once you’ve done this you will take your cigarette paper and place it on the fill tip.  After the paper is in place and you have your herbs in the feed chamber you will pull down on a lever that will shoot the tobacco or herb into the cigarette paper.  Boom! You will have a perfect cigarette or joint that is ready to be smoked.

Pro Tip: Be sure to use a rolling tray to catch access herb that falls out of the cigarette rolling machine.

See this video for a visual breakdown of the steps:

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