What are CBD Crystals?

CBD is a very popular product that comes in many different forms and aids in symptom relief for ailments ranging from neurodegeneration to chronic pain and inflammation.
Derived from the Cannabis plant, this chemical can be extracted and consumed as a pill, capsule, oil tincture, e-liquid, cream, and in its purest form, crystals. Let’s take a look at how CBD crystals are made and how they’re used.

How CBD Crystals are made

Interesting to note, despite the Cannabis plant being composed of over 100 different cannabinoids (chemical compounds), CBD crystals are extracted from just one of those strains.
Hemp plants generally produce very high levels of the CBD compound. Once the strain is selected, it is then extracted using a solvent such as butane, propane, or CO2. The result is a form of CBD oil that still contains multiple impurities.
After this, solidification begins as the CBD oil must go through extensive filtration in order to separate the CBD from other materials. The CBD should then go through a cooling process to evaporate any extra liquid. Finally, in a solid state, the CBD goes through Chromatography. This is when any remaining impurities are removed through a chemical that essentially “washes” them away. The crystals are broken down again and cooled once more. What remains are pure CBD crystals that contain nearly 100% CBD. This process is best left to professionals as there are many complications that could occur, and special equipment that is used to create CBD crystals.

How to use CBD Crystals

Using CBD crystals as edibles is one of the most enjoyable and popular ways to consume them.
They can be added to various recipes that requires an oil and butter; simply add a little butter or oil to a pan and melt the crystals down.
Once they have dissolved you simply stir to mix everything well and feel free to add it to your favorite dishes. You can also mix them with e liquid and use them for vaping, or melt them down in a base of your favorite oil such as olive oil and use it topically. They can be inhaled via a process called “dabbing” in which case a hot nail is used to crush the crystals which vaporizes them immediately for inhalation. This last method of consumption is recommended for those who use CBD regularly.

CBD is legal and safe for consumption. Our site offers you information on products that you can trust, no matter which form you are interested in.There are immense health benefits associated with CBD. Be sure to check out our site for more information to find the right product and dosage for you.

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