How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?

cbd oil

How long CBD remains in your system is not an exact science, mainly because there are many factors to consider when determining just how long it’ll remain in your body..

For starters, on average, CBD can remain in someone’s system for 2 to 5 days; however, as mentioned before, there are factors which can cause CBD to remain in your system for weeks (source).

Frequency & Usage

As is the case with most things, how much you use and how often you use it can help determine how long CBD will stay in your system. For instance, the higher the dosage of CBD the longer it will linger in your system and conversely the lower the dosage the quicker traces of the substance will leave. Similarly, as with the quantity of the dosage so it is with the frequency with which you use CBD. The longer one uses CBD the longer CBD will stay in your system. The reason for this hinges on the fact that CBD builds up in the body over time with every subsequent use.

Also, no two bodies are the same and it is for this reason that this factor must be heavily considered when determining how long CBD stays in one’s system. Moreover, things like metabolism, body weight and water content altogether influence the length of stay of CBD in the body. A faster metabolism will definitely speed up the process as well as having a body smaller weight or if your are a person with a higher water content.

Additionally, what you eat can slow the process of metabolizing CBD. More precisely, people who use CBD without eating will cause CBD to be digested and metabolized faster than someone who just ate a full plate of food. Conversely, if you eat a lot of food or a you consume a particular item that’a harder to digest and therefore takes longer to digest, CBD will take longer to dissipate.

Finally, the way in which CBD is ingested can have a huge affect on just how long it take CBD to leave your system. For example, vaping CBD will cause the effects the CBD to set in very quickly and consequently CBD will leave your system just as quickly. Similarly, tinctures and oils which are placed under the tongue carry out its effects by entering the blood stream quickly but they linger longer than vaping. Edibles, on the other hand enter in the digestive system and takes time to be metabolized and then to exit the system. Lotions and creams take quite a bit of time to into and out of the body as well.

If you’re concerned about how long CBD will stay in your system, don’ fret, you can find all the information that you need to make the best decision for usage. Our site guarantees useful information and quality products that will assist you in attaining a better life through CBD.

More Info

A Systematic Review on the Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol in Humans (link).

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